International and Interdisciplinary Conference on
Adaptive Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Espoo, Finland,
15-17 June 2005
Sponsored by PASCAL,
co-sponsored by IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing), supported by Pattern Recognition Society of Finland, Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society and Finnish Cognitive Linguistics Society, organized by the Laboratory of Computer and Information Science of Helsinki University of Technology
Press releases (in Finnish)

30 Sep 2005: Conference papers available online
17 Jun 2005: AKRR'05 Conference has been successful
and has now been closed. According to the current
plan next AKRR events are held every year. More information
will available soon.
13 Jun 2005: AKRR'05 Conference week has begun:
07 Jun 2005: A page dedicated to
the special session
on "Towards Human Centric European Information Society" has been opened
03 Jun 2005: Topics related to AKRR'05 conference
programme have been widely reported in Finnish media, e.g.,
research on weather and
automatic word segmentation (in Finnish).
02 Jun 2005: Detailed information on how to find the venue is available as well as an updated version of the conference programme.
16 May 2005: Conference programme available.
31 Mar 2005: Instructions for submitting camera ready papers added to
the submission page. The same formatting as in earlier
versions is in use. Original files are also to be sent as indicated in the
instructions. The deadline for the submission is
extended to 21st of April.
15 Mar 2005: Most of the reviews are ready and the authors will be sent notification during the following days. If necessary, an extension to the deadline for early registration will be given.
25 Jan 2005: Best papers of the KRBIO'05 symposium will be invited to a special issue of the Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
17 Jan 2005: Pages for EML'05 symposium on "Emergent Models of Language for Speech Processing and Machine Translation" opened
14 Jan 2005: Pages for FiCLA preconference workshop on "Cognitivism meets Dynamism" opened
07 Jan 2005: Submission
page for KRBIO'05 opened
04 Jan 2005: Submission
pages for AKRR'05 and AMKLC'05 opened
13 Dec 2004: Information on
the conference proceedings
24 Nov 2004: AMKLC'05
symposium web pages opened.
05 Nov 2004: KRBIO'05
symposium web pages opened.
Knowledge representation and reasoning are traditional areas within
artificial intelligence. In the modern society they are underlying
building blocks in various kinds of information systems and networks.
Knowledge representation and reasoning are also central themes in
cognitive science and epistemology. Relevant questions include how we
know what we know, how we can make useful inferences, and how we can
use computers in models and applications of knowledge representation
and reasoning. Traditional models have been based on predicate logic,
semantic networks and other symbolic representations.
One of the central goals of the AKRR'05
conference is to probe alternative representations and algorithms such
as statistical latent variable models, vector space representations,
statistical machine learning,
artificial neural networks, and dynamical systems.
These challenges are of particular interest, e.g., in life sciences, where
the complexity of disease mechanisms and the process of developing new drugs
require novel approaches. This issue will be the focus of
the symposium KRBIO'05.
The symposium AMKLC'05
adresses emergence, complexity and self-organization in cognitive and
social systems: how knowledge is being created and established within
human and computer-mediated networks and the role of language as an
adaptive medium for knowledge building.
– Themes – Dates
– CFP – Submission
– Programme – Venue
– Registration – Accomodation
– Travel – Committees
– Links