AKRR05 Venue
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Towards Human Centric European Information Society

As a part of AKRR'05 conference, a special session on information society devevelopment is organized. The special session focuses on the practical societal needs that can be associated with the technological development of adaptive systems. Adaptive systems, the overall focus of the AKRR'05 conference, can modify themselves to take into account changing needs and situations.

Helsinki University of Technology, TUAS House
Otaniementie 17, Otaniemi, Espoo
Hall AS2 unless otherwise indicated.


09:00-09:15 Opening
Rector Matti Pursula, Professor Olli Simula, Professor Timo Honkela
09:15-10:15 Keynote: Stefano Bertolo (EU Commission)
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:00 Timo Honkela:
Own language and culture, shared activities and success
11:00-11:45 Kirsti Lonka:
Future of Learning
11:45-12:00 Discussion
12:00-13:00 Lunch
(Room: T4)
Brainstorming session:
Human Centric EU
(chair: Kurt Linderoos)
14:00-14:30 Break
Kurt Linderoos (United Brains Ltd):
Personal EU Vision and Route Map
14:50-15:10 Kari Mikkelä (The Centre of Expertise for Digital Media, Content Production and Learning Services in Finland, Culminatum Ltd Oy):
Ecosystem of Learning Enabling Services (Oppimista tukevien palveluiden ekosysteemi)
15:10-15:30 Pekka Pere (Proha Oyj, Tietoalojen liitto):
Eurooppalaisen ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan haasteet ja mahdollisuudet
15:30-15:50 Mika Kolbe (Viloke Oy):
Kokoontuminen verkossa
15:50-16:10 Markku Markkula (TKK Dipoli, TIEKE):
Tietoyhteiskunnan uhat ja mahdollisuudet
16:10-16:30 Katrina Harjuhahto-Madetoja (Valtioneuvoston kanslia):
Julkiset palvelut tietoyhteiskunnassa
16:30 Closing

AKRR05 ThemesDatesCFPSubmissionProgrammeVenueRegistrationAccomodationTravelCommitteesLinks