Helsinki University of Technology,
Finland, June 4-6, 1997
What's new June, 10 Ordering instructions for the WSOM'97 proceedings June, 3
Alternative index to the workshopMay, 19 Additional travel information Social program SOM clinic May, 6 Author information on talks and posters Opportunity to put up demonstrations April, 11 Workshop program Reminder for authors on submission of postscript file by May 1 February, 20 Registration and accommodation
The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) with its variations is the most popular artificial neural network algorithm in the unsupervised learning category. Over 2000 applications have been reported in the open literature, and more and more industrial projects are using the SOM as a tool for solving hard real-world problems.
The WORKSHOP ON SELF-ORGANIZING MAPS (WSOM'97) is the first international meeting to be solely dedicated to the theory and applications of the SOM. People from universities, research institutes, industry, and commerce are invited to join the Workshop and share their views and expertise on the use of the SOM.Highlights of the program:
SHORT COURSEprof. Teuvo Kohonen PLENARIES prof. Helge Ritter:
Learning with the parameterized self-organizing map
prof. Karl Goser:
Self-organizing map for intelligent process control
prof. Marie Cottrell:
Theoretical aspects of the SOM algorithmINVITED TALKS prof. Risto Miikkulainen:
SOM research in the USA
prof. Heizo Tokutaka:
Condensed review of SOM and LVQ research in JapanSESSIONS Pattern recognition and signal processing
Monitoring and data mining
Financial analysis
Temporal sequence processing
Image analysis and vision
Theory and extensions
Probabilistic interpretations
Text and document maps
HardwarePANEL Document search SOM CLINIC Discuss the algorithms with SOM experts DEMONSTRATIONS BANQUET Dinner speech by Robert Hecht-Nielsen:
A neural network sagaSee also the Call for Participation.
The SOM clinic will be open in the lobby of the workshop site during lunch and coffee breaks, as well as during the Ice-Breaking Party and the poster and demo sessions.In the SOM clinic the workshop attendants can discuss the algorithms with SOM experts, and also get help in their problems. Several SOM experts, including some of the top researchers of the area, will be present in the clinic during the breaks.
Participants wishing to demonstrate their SOM-based method or tool, or to present a last-minute poster (not to be included in the official program or in the proceedings) are asked to contact wsom97-demos@nucleus.hut.fi for details. A fee is charged from companies, but academic research groups may demonstrate for free.
This is a satellite workshop of the 10th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA) to be held on June 9 to 11 in Lappeenranta, Finland, arranged by the Pattern Recognition Society of Finland. Other co-operating societies are the European Neural Network Society (ENNS), IEEE Finland Section, and the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society.
NEuroNet will be sponsoring 10 EU students to attend WSOM'97. Details on the application procedure are available on NEuroNet's page.
Teuvo Kohonen, Helsinki University of Technology, FinlandPROGRAM CHAIRMAN
Erkki Oja, Helsinki University of TechnologyINTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE
- Nigel Allinson, UK
- James C. Bezdek, USA
- Venkatachalam Chandrasekaran, Australia
- Marie Cottrell, France
- Jean-Claude Fort, France
- Karl Goser, Germany
- Martin Hasler, Switzerland
- Robert Hecht-Nielsen, USA
- Jari Kangas, Finland
- Bert Kappen, Netherlands
- Pasi Koikkalainen, Finland
- Koji Kurata, Japan
- Lea Leinonen, Finland
- Stephen Luttrell, UK
- Thomas Martinetz, Germany
- Dieter Merkl, Austria
- Risto Miikkulainen, USA
- Pietro Morasso, Italy
- Klaus Obermayer, Germany
- Helge Ritter, Germany
- Olli Simula, Finland
- Heizo Tokutaka, Japan
- Michel Verleysen, Belgium
- Lei Xu, Hong Kong
Olli Simula, Helsinki University of TechnologyLOCAL ARRANGEMENTS
Jukka Iivarinen, Treasurer
Timo Honkela, Publicity coordinator
Krista Lagus, WWW coordinator
For further information, please contact wsom97@nucleus.hut.fi
Last modified: Fri May 16 13:45:07 EET DST 1997