Ordering the proceedings
Copies of the proceedings of WSOM'97 may be ordered by completing and sending us this order form accompanied by a proof of payment or a bank cheque (no personal cheques). Upon receiving the payment and the order, we will send you a copy of the proceedings book, which contains the articles of work presented in WSOM'97.Payment
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WSOM'97 Proceedings Order Form
Please send me _____ copies of the WSOM'97 Proceedings. A proof of payment/bank cheque accompanies this order, with the total sum of _________FIM paid to Helsinki University of Technology.Name:______________________________________________________
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This order form and the accompanying bank cheque/proof of bank transfer should be sent to:
Further information on ordering:
- Helsinki University of Technology
Laboratory of Computer and Information Science
P.O. Box 2200
FIN-02015 HUT
Leila Koivisto Tel: +358-0-451 3267 Fax: +358-0-451 3277
E-mail: Leila.Koivisto@hut.fi