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STADYCS International Aspects
- Dr. Jiri Sima, Czech Academy of Science, Prague, Czech Republic
- Prof. Wolfgang Maass, Technische Universität Graz, Austria
Journal Editorial Board Memberships
Pekka Orponen: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (1999-2002), and
Theoretical Computer Science C: Natural Computation (launches in 2003).
The research results of the group have been published in leading
international journals. The group members have given several invited
talks each year on their work in international conferences and
workshops. A significant part of the research work has been done in
collaboration with leading groups around the world.
The personnel in the Metapopulation Research Group represents 11
nationalities from 4 continents, which brings to the group a lot of
international contacts and collaboration. The MRG is located in the
Division of Population Biology, which runs a programme called "Spatial
Ecology". The EC-funded TMR network "Fragland", involving 6 other
laboratories in Europe, was coordinated by the MRG during the MaDaMe
The most important collaboration for the MaDaMe project has happened
with Dr. Stephen Cornell and Dr. Bryan Grenfell at the University of
Cambridge [3.10, 3.15] during a one-year visit by
Dr. Otso Ovaskainen. Ovaskainen also participated the international
research programme "From Individual to Collective Behaviour in
Biological Systems" organised by the Isaac Newton Institute for
Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge during a three month period in
2001. Other major collaboration include work done with Dr. Jordi
Bacompte (Estación Biológica de Dońana, Spain) and Dr. Kazunori Sato
(Shizuoka University, Japan) [3.3,
For topics (1) and (2) (see the group description) the work was
mostly done in Finland and the collaboration was with Finnish
researchers. Topic (1) is part of a large and longterm research
program that involves researchers in other countries (USA, UK,
Spain). It is difficult to group topic (2) entirely to this program
since it has been funded from other sources as well and only a small
part at most can be included here. The publications list includes all
of these publications from that period.
- Prof. J. A. J. Metz, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
- Prof. O. Diekmann, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Dr. G. Meszena, Eötvös University Budapest, Hungary
- Dr. U. Dieckmann, International Institute for Applied Systems
Analysis, Austria
- Dr. A. White, R. Bowers, M. Boots,
Heriot-Watt University Edinburg/University of Liverpool/University of
Stirling, UK (the three form one research group)
Journal editorial board memberships
Mats Gyllenberg: Journal of Mathematical Biology.
Éva Kísdi: Selection, and Acta Biotheoretica.
Éva Kísdi and Stefan Geritz edited the Adaptive Dynamics special issue
of the journal Selection (vol. 2 issues 1-2, 2001, 11 refereed
- Adaptive Dynamics course at the Fourth Winter School on Population
Dynamics, Woudschoten (The Netherlands), January 2002, Éva Kísdi and
J. A. J. Metz.
- a 3-day intense course on Adaptive Dynamics in
Turku, September 2002, given by Stefan Geritz as main lecturer and
Mats Gyllenberg, J. A. J. Metz, Éva Kísdi (1/3 of the participants
from abroad, funded by Academy grant 53980 held by Geritz).
The group has had extensive collaboration with researchers in the US
and Europe. Part of the collaboration has been done in two European
Union reserach consortiums.
For each visit lasting at least two weeks, the country, institute, and
the length of stay are listed.
- Oleg Trushin, Russia, Microelectronics Inst. of RAS, Yaroslavl (19 days)
- Antti-Pekka Hynninen, USA, Dept. of Physics, Brown Univ., Providence (1 month)
- Tapio Ala-Nissilä, Canada, Dept. of Physics, McGill Univ., Montreal (2 months)
- Otso Ovaskainen, United Kingdom, Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Cambridge (1 year)
- Éva Kísdi
- Hungary, Eötvös University, Budapest (16 days)
- Hungary, Eötvös University, Budapest (15 days)
- Hungary, Complex Systems Summer School (1 month, as student)
- Hungary, Eötvös University, Budapest (14 days)
- Kalle Parvinen
- The Netherlands, University of Utrecht (3 months)
- Austria, IIASA (2+6 months)
- Diana Preoteasa, Italy, Biomathematics Summer School (14 days, as student)
- Nelly Noykova, Bulgaria, Institute of Microbiology, Sofia (29 days)
Kari Eloranta
- Mexico, Math. Sciences Research Inst., Guanajato (23 days)
- USA, Math. Sciences Research Inst., Berkeley (16 days)
- United Kingdom, Isaac Newton Inst., Univ. of Cambridge (17 days)
- United Kingdom, Mathematics Institute, Univ. of Warwick (15 days)
Antti Kupiainen (several 2-4 week visits)
- USA, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
- USA, Rutgers University, Newark NJ
- France, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon
- Belgium, Université Catholique de Louvain
For each visitor, the name, home institute, country and the length of
stay are listed.
- Sima, Jiri, Czech Academy of Science, Prague, Czech Republic (8 months)
Visitors are grouped by year. For each visitor, name, home
institute, country and time of stay are listed.
- Mr. S. Badescu (Brown University, USA) 5.-18.1.
- Mr. M. Haataja (McGill University, Canada) 5.-7.1
- Dr. I. Vattulainen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark) 7.1.
- Dr. Martin Dubé (McGill University, Canada) 7.-23.3.
- Dr. I. Vattulainen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark) 8.-16.3.
- Dr. Haidar Sabbagh (University of Leeds, U.K.) 15.-19.3.
- Dr. Pekka Pietiläinen (University of Oulu, Finland) 16.3.
- Mr. Jouni Kalluki (Universität GH Essen, Germany) 20.-24.3.
- Prof. S. C. Ying (Brown University, USA) 23.-30.3.
- Dr. Enzo Granato (INPE, Brazil) 21.-30.3.
- Dr. B. Persson (Institut fur Festkörperforschung Julich, Germany) 25.-30.3.
- Prof. S. C. Ying (Brown University, USA) 2.-7.6.
- Mr. Alexei Neelov (University of St. Petersburg, Russia) 1.6.-31.8.
- Mr. Stefan Badescu (Brown University, Providence, USA) 10.6.-15.7.
- Dr. Vladimir Bochkarev (Institute of Microelectronics, Russian Acad. of Sciences) 21.-22.6.
- Dr. Martin Dubé (McGill University, Montreal, Canada) 16.7.-8.8.
- Prof. Wokyung Sung (Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology, Pohang, Republic of Korea) 2.-6.8.
- Dr. Enrico Carlon (University of Padova, Padova, Italy) 2.-11.8.
- Prof. Talat S. Rahman (Kansas State University, USA) 10.8.2000-4.1.2001
- Ms. Chandana Ghosh (Kansas State University, USA) 21.9.2000-12.1.2001
- Ms. Natalie Tarasenko (Uviversity of Kiev, Ukraine) 31.8.-17.9.
- Dr. Ilpo Vattulainen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark) 18.-21.9.
- Prof. S. C. Ying (Brown University, Providence, USA) 25.-29.9.
- Doc. Kalevi Kokko (University of Turku, Turku, Finland) 26.10.
- Dr. A. Kara (Kansas State University, U.S.A) 5.-20.12.
- Prof. S. C. Ying (Brown University, USA) 16.-21.1.
- Prof. Talat S. Rahman (Kansas State University, USA) 1.1.-4.1.
- Ms. Chandana Ghosh (Kansas State University, USA) 1.1.-12.1.
- Dr. Oleg Trushin (Academy of Sciences of Russia, Russia) 16.1.-27.1.
- Prof. Talat S. Rahman (Kansas State University, USA) 20.-24.1.
- Prof. T. L. Einstein (University of Maryland, USA) 23.-28.1.
- Doc. Zdenek Chvoj (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) 25.-28.1.
- Mr. M. Abramowski (Imperial College, The United Kingdom) 6.2.
- Mr. S. Badescu (Brown University, USA, HIP) 6.-25.2.
- Dr. Oleg Trushin (Academy of Sciences of Russia, Russia) 1.3.-6.4.
- Doc. Zdenek Chvoj (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) 26.3.-7.4.
- Dr. Martin Rost (University of Koln, Germany) 17.4.-28.4.
- Prof. Talat S. Rahman (Kansas State University, USA) 22.4.-28.4.
- Ms. Chandana Ghosh (Kansas State University, USA) 22.4.-29.4.
- Dr. Oleg Trushin (Academy of Sciences of Russia, Russia) 23.4.-27.4.
- Dr. Martin Dubé (McGill University, Canada) 4.5.-21.5.
- Mr. Altaf Karim (Kansas State University, USA) 1.6.-30.6.
- Mr. Stefan Badescu (Brown University, USA, HIP) 1.8.-31.8.
- Prof. J. M. Kosterlitz (Brown University, USA) 6.8.-25.8.
- Doc. Zdenek Chvoj (Czech Academy of Sciences, The Czech Republic) 17.9.-5.10.
- Prof. K. Elder (Oakland University, USA) 3.1.-30.4.
- Dr. Oleg Trushin (Academy of Sciences of Russia, Russia) 7.-11.1.
- Prof. R. Cuerno (Juan Carlos III University, Spain) 17.-24.3.
- Dr. Mario Castro (Juan Carlos III University, Spain) 17.-24.3.
- Doc. Zdenek Chvoj (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) 6.-18.5.
- Dr. Oleg Trushin (Academy of Sciences of Russia, Russia) 6.-17.5.
- Dr. V. Bochkarev (Academy of Sciences of Russia, Russia) 6.-10.5.
- Mr. S. Badescu (Brown University, USA) 19.5.-30.6.
- Prof. Talat S. Rahman (Kansas State University, USA) 26.5.-22.6.
- Prof. S. C. Ying (Brown University, USA) 13.-23.6.
- Dr. Enzo Granato (INPE/Sao Jose, Brazil) 14.-27.6.
- Mr. Altaf Karim (Kansas State University, USA) 4.6.-30.6.
- Dr. Oleg Trushin (Academy of Sciences of Russia, Russia) 17.6.-12.7.
- Dr. Oleg Trushin (Academy of Sciences of Russia, Russia) 15.-20.12.
- Dr. Viktor Bochkarev (Academy of Sciences of Russia, Russia) 16.-20.12.
- Prof. J. Krug (University of Essen, Germany) 22.-27.2.
- Mr. Christian Achim (Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania) 24.-30.3.
- Dr. Oleg Trushin (Academy of Sciences of Russia, Russia) 1.4.-28.5.
- Doc. Zdenek Chvoj (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) 5.-xx.5.
- Ms. Zdenka Kuntova (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) 5.-10.5.
- Prof. Talat S. Rahman (Kansas State University, USA) 25.5.-2.6., 11.-25.6.
- Dr. Oleg Trushin (Academy of Sciences of Russia, Russia) 16.-20.6.
- Prof. S. C. Ying (Brown University, USA) 15.-22.6.
- Etienne, Rampal, University of Wageningen, Netherlands (1 month)
- Frank, Karin, UFZ-Centre for Environm. Res. Leipzig-Halle, Germany (1 month)
- Bascompte, Jordi, Estación Biológica de Dońana, Spain (1 month)
- Cornell, Stephen, University of Cambridge, UK (1 month)
- Sato, Kazunori, Shizuoka University, Japan (1 month)
- Hadeler, Karl, University of Tübingen, Germany (4 days)
- Clobert, Jean, Université Pierre et Maria Curie, Paris, France (5 days)
- Egas, Martijn, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (14 days)
- Sigmund, Karl, University of Vienna, Austria (5+4 days)
- Ronce, Ophelie, University of Montpellier, France (8 days)
- Molofsky, Jane, University of Vermont, USA (10 days)
- Hammerstein, Peter, Humboldt University, Germany (4 days)
- Day, Troy, University of Toronto, Canada (5 days)
- Metz, Hans (J.A.J), University of Leiden, The Netherlands (6+6+6 days)
- Diekmann, Odo, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands (6+3 days)
- Meszena, Geza, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary (8+7+9 days)
- Bricmont, Jean, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium( days)
- Gawedzki, Krzysztof, Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon, France( days)
- Bonetto, Federico, Rutgers University, USA( days)
- Aurell, Erik, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Sweden( days)
- Antonov, Nikolai, St. Petersburg University, Russia( days)
- Lefevere, Raphael, Research Inst. for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto, Japan( days)
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Last update July 11th, 2003.