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STADYCS Publications

Number of publications per type

Research groupType of Publication 2000200120022003Total
Comput. Theory Refereed journal articles   33
 Ref. conference papers 2  24
 Book chapters      
Physics Refereed journal articles545 14
 Ref. conference papers      
 Book chapters      
 Preprints    11
Ecology" Refereed journal articles125715
 Ref. conference papers      
 Book chapters    11
 Preprints    22
Economics Refereed journal articles     
 Ref. conference papers      
 Book chapters      
 Preprints 11215
Biomathematics Refereed journal articles 79824
 Ref. conference papers      
 Book chapters    44
 Preprints 342 9
Mathematics Refereed journal articles751518
 Ref. conference papers      
 Book chapters      
 Preprints 1 359

Refereed journal articles

[1.1]Síma J. and P. Orponen: Continuous-time symmetric Hopfield nets are computationally universal. Neural Computation 15 (2003), 693-733.
[1.2]Síma J. and P. Orponen: General purpose computation with neural networks: A survey of complexity theoretic results. Neural Computation, in press.
[1.3]Síma J. and P. Orponen: Exponential transients in continuous-time Liapunov systems. Theoretical Computer Science, in press.
[2.1] Provatas N., M. Haataja, J. Asikainen, S. Majaniemi, M. Alava and T. Ala-Nissila. Fiber deposition models in two and three spatial dimensions. Invited review in Colloids and Surfaces A 165 (2000), 209.
[2.2] Myllys M., J. Maunuksela, M. J. Alava, T. Ala-Nissila and J. Timonen. Scaling and noise in slow combustion of paper. Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000), 1946.
[2.3] Dubé M., M. Rost and M. Alava. Conserved dynamics and interface roughening in spontaneous imbibition: critical overview. Eur. Phys. J. B 15 (2000), 691-699.
[2.4] Asikainen J. and T. Ala-Nissila. Percolation and spatial correlations in a two-dimensional continuum deposition model. Phys. Rev. E 61 (2000), 5002.
[2.5] Kallunki J., M. Dubé and T. Ala-Nissila. Adatom dynamics in a periodic potential under a time-periodic bias. Surf. Sci. 460 (2000), 39.
[2.6] Rost M., G. Várkonyi and I. Hanski. Patterns of two-year population cycles in spatially extended host-parasitoid systems. Theoretical Population Biology 59 (2001), No. 3, 223-233.
[2.7] Dubé M., M. Rost, K. Elder, M. Alava, S. Majaniemi and T. Ala-Nissila. Comment on "Pipe network model for scaling of dynamic interfaces in porous media". Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001), 6046.
[2.8] Myllys M., J. Maunuksela, M. Alava, T. Ala-Nissila, J. Merikoski and J. Timonen. Kinetic roughening in slow combustion of paper. Phys. Rev. E 64 (2001), 036101.
[2.9] Dubé M., S. Majaniemi, M. Rost, M. J. Alava, K. R. Elder and T. Ala-Nissila. Interface pinning in spontaneous imbibition. Phys. Rev. E 64 (2001), 051605.
[2.10] Chen L. Y., S. C. Ying and T. Ala-Nissila. Finding transition paths and rate coefficients through accelerated Langevin dynamics. Phys. Rev. E 65 (2002), 042101:1-4.
[2.11] Asikainen J., S. Majaniemi, M. Dubé and T. Ala-Nissila. Interface dynamics and kinetic roughening in fractals. Phys. Rev. E 65 (2002), 052104:1-4.
[2.12] Asikainen J., S. Majaniemi, M. Dubé, J. Heinonen and T. Ala-Nissila. Dynamical scaling and kinetic roughening of single-valued fronts propagating in fractal media. European Physical Journal B 30 (2002), 253.
[2.13] Asikainen J., J. Heinonen and T. Ala-Nissila. Exact and efficient random walk method for time-dependent environments. Phys. Rev. E 66 (2002), 066706.
[2.14] Várkonyi G., I. Hanski, M. Rost and J. Itämies. Host-parasitoid dynamics in periodic boreal moths. OIKOS 98 (2002), 421.
[3.1] Hanski I. and O. Ovaskainen. The metapopulation capacity of a fragmented landscape. Nature 404 (2000), 755-758.
[3.2] Ovaskainen O. The quasi-stationary distribution of the stochastic logistic model. Journal of Applied Probability 38 (2001), 898-907.
[3.3] Ovaskainen O. and I. Hanski Spatially structured metapopulation models: global and local assessment of metapopulation capacity. Theoretical Population Biology 60 (2001), 281-304.
[3.4] Ovaskainen O. and I. Hanski. Transient dynamics in metapopulation response to perturbation. Theoretical Population Biology 61 (2002), 285-295.
[3.5] Ovaskainen O., Sato, K., Bascompte, J. and I. Hanski. Metapopulation models for extinction threshold in spatially correlated landscapes. Journal of Theoretical Biology 215 (2002) 95-108.
[3.6] Hanski I. and O. Ovaskainen. Extinction debt at extinction threshold. Conservation Biology 16 (2002), 666-673.
[3.7] Ovaskainen O. The effective size of a metapopulation living in a heterogeneous patch network. American Naturalist 160 (2002), 612-628.
[3.8] Ovaskainen O. Long-term persistence of species and the SLOSS problem. Journal of Theoretical Biology 218 (2002), 419-433.
[3.9] Ovaskainen O. Habitat destruction, habitat restoration and eigenvector-eigenvalue relations. Mathematical Biosciences 181 (2003), 165-176.
[3.10] Ovaskainen O. and B. Grenfell. Mathematical tools for planning effective intervention scenarios for sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 30 (2003), 388-394.
[3.11] Ovaskainen O. and I. Hanski. Extinction threshold in metapopulation models. Annales Zoologici Fennici 40 (2003), 81-97.
[3.12] Hanski I. and O. Ovaskainen. Metapopulation theory for heterogeneous fragmented landscapes. Theoretical Population Biology 64 (2003), 119-127.
[3.13] Ovaskainen O. and I. Hanski. How much does an individual habitat fragment contribute to metapopulation dynamics and persistence? Theoretical Population Biology, in press.
[3.14] Ovaskainen O. Estimating habitat-specific movement parameters for heterogeneous landscapes using spatial mark-recapture data and a diffusion model. Ecology, in press.
[3.15] Ovaskainen, O. and S. Cornell. Biased movement at boundary and conditional occupancy times for diffusion processes. Journal of Applied Probability, in press.
[6.1] De Jong T. and S. A. H. Geritz. The role of geitonogamy in the gradual evolution towards dioecy in cosexual plant. Selection 2 (2001), 133-146.
[6.2] Gyllenberg M. and J. A. J. Metz. On fitness in structured metapopulations. Journal of Mathematical Biology 43 (2001), 545-560.
[6.3] Gyllenberg M. and K. Parvinen. Necessary and sufficient conditions for evolutionary suicide. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 63 (2001), 981-993.
[6.4] Kísdi É. Long-term adaptive diversity in Levene-type models. Evolutionary Ecology Research 3 (2001), 721-727.
[6.5] Kísdi É. and S. A. H. Geritz. Evolutionary disarmament in interspecific competition. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 268 (2001), 2589-2594.
[6.6] Kísdi É., F. J. A. Jacobs and S. A. H. Geritz. Red Queen evolution by cycles of evolutionary branching and extinction. Selection 2 (2001), 161-176.
[6.7] Metz J. A. J. and M. Gyllenberg. How should we define fitness in structured metapopulation models? Including an application to the calculation of evolutionarily stable dispersal strategies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 268 (2001), 499-508.
[6.8] Geritz S. A. H., M. Gyllenberg, F. J. A. Jacobs and K. Parvinen. Invasion dynamics and attractor inheritance. Journal of Mathematical Biology 44 (2002), 548-560.
[6.9] Gyllenberg M., D. Preoteasa and K. Saikkonen. Vertically transmitted symbionts in structured host metapopulations. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 64 (2002), 959-978.
[6.10] Gyllenberg M., A. Osipov and L. Päivärinta. The inverse problem of age-structured population dynamics. Journal of Evolution Equations 2 (2002), 223-239.
[6.11] Gyllenberg M., K. Parvinen and U. Dieckmann. Evolutionary suicide and evolution of dispersal in structured metapopulations. Journal of Mathematical Biology 45 (2002), 79-105.
[6.12] Kísdi É. Dispersal: Risk spreading versus local adaptation. The American Naturalist 159 (2002), 579-596.
[6.13] Mathias A. and É. Kísdi. Adaptive diversification of germination strategies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 269 (2002), 151-156.
[6.14] Matter S. F., I. Hanski and M. Gyllenberg. A test of the metapopulation model of the species-area relationship. J. Biogeogr., 29 (2002), 977-983.
[6.15] Parvinen K. Evolutionary branching of dispersal strategies in structured metapopulations. Journal of Mathematical Biology 45 (2002), 106-124.
[6.16] Saikkonen K., D. Ion and M. Gyllenberg. The persistence of fungal endophytes in grass metapopulations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 269 (2002), 1397-1403.
[6.17] Diekmann O., M. Gyllenberg and J. A. J. Metz. Steady state analysis of structured population models. Theoretical Population Biology 63 (2003), 309-338.
[6.18] Kísdi É. Reinforcement with multiple mating. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18 (2003), 165-166.
[6.19] Kísdi É. and S. A. H. Geritz. On the coexistence of perennial plants by the competition-colonization trade-off. The American Naturalist 161 (2003), 350-354.
[6.20] Kísdi É. and S. A. H. Geritz. Competition-colonization trade-off between perennial plants: Exclusion of the rare species, hysteresis effects, and the robustness of coexistence under replacement competition. Evolutionary Ecology Research 5 (2003), 529-548.
[6.21] Parvinen K., U. Dieckmann, M. Gyllenberg and J. A. J. Metz. Evolution of dispersal in metapopulations with local density dependence and demographic stochasticity. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16 (2003), 143-153.
[6.22] Bowers R. G., A. White, M. Boots, S. A. H. Geritz and É. Kísdi. Evolutionary branching/ speciation: Contrasting results from systems with explicit or emergent carrying capacities. Accepted for publication in Evolutionary Ecology Research.
[6.23] Wang Y. and X. Zhao. Convergence in subhomogenous monotone dynamical systems in product Banach space. Accepted for publication in Bull. of London Math. Soc.
[6.24] Gyllenberg M., F. J. A. Jacobs and J. A. J. Metz. On the concept of attractor for community-dynamical processes. II. The case of structured populations. Accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Biology.
[7.1] Bricmont J., A. Kupiainen and R. Lefevere. Probabilistic estimates for the two dimensional stochastic Navier-Stokes equations. J. Stat. Phys. 100 (2000), 743-756.
[7.2] Bricmont J., A. Kupiainen and R. Lefevere. Ergodicity of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations with random forcing. Commun. Math Phys. 224 (2001), 65-81.
[7.3] Bricmont J., A. Kupiainen and R. Lefevere. Exponential mixing of the 2D stochastic Navier-Stokes dynamics. Commun. Math. Phys. 230 (2002), 87-132.
[7.4] Bricmont J., A. Kupiainen and A. Schenkel. Renormalization group and the Melnikov problem for PDE's. Commun. Math. Phys. 221 (2001), 101-140.
[7.5] Kupiainen A. Lessons for turbulence. Geom. Funct. Analysis (GAFA2000), 316-333.
[7.6] Bricmont J., A. Kupiainen and R. Lefevere. Renormalizing the renormalization group pathologies. Phys. Rep. 348 (2001), 5-31.
[7.7] Kupiainen A. Nondeterministic dynamics and turbulent transport. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré (2003), in press.
[7.8] Kupiainen A. Statistical theories of turbulence, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, (Gakkotosho, Tokyo, 2003), to appear.
[7.9] Hakulinen V. Passive advection and degenerate elliptic operators. Commun. Math. Phys. 235 (2003), 1.
[.710] Lukkarinen J. On the use of non-canonical quantum statistics. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33 (2000), 7067-7091.
[7.11] Lukkarinen J. Lattice computation of energy moments in canonical and Gaussian quantum statistics. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33 (2000), 4227-4247.
[7.12] Lukkarinen J. Using lattice methods in non-canonical quantum statistics, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 83-84 (2000), 959-961.
[7.13] Mazzino A. and P. Muratore-Ginanneschi. Passive scalar turbulence in very high dimensions. Phys. Rev. E 63 (2001), 015302-015305(R).
[7.14] Adzhemyan L. Ts., N. V. Antonov, A. Mazzino, P. Muratore-Ginanneschi and A.V. Runov. Pressure and intermittency in passive vector turbulence. Europhys. Lett. 55 (2001), 801-806.
[7.15] Muratore-Ginanneschi P. Path integration over closed loops and Gutzwiller's trace formula. Phys. Rep., in press.
[7.16] Schenkel A., J. Wehr and P. Wittwer. Computer-assisted proofs for fixed points problem in Sobolev spaces. Math. Phys. E J 6, No. 3 (2000), 67 pp.
[7.17] Van Baalen G., A. Schenkel and P. Wittwer. Asymptotics of solutions in nA + nB ? C reaction-diffusion systems. Comm. Math. Phys. 210 (2000), 145-176.
[7.18] Eloranta K. The bounded eight-vertex model. Theoretical Computer Science 303 (2003), 539-552.

Book chapters

[3.16] Ovaskainen O. and I. Hanski. Metapopulation dynamics in highly fragmented landscapes. In: I. Hanski and O. Gaggiotti (eds.): Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution in Metapopulations, Academic Press. In press.
[6.25] Gyllenberg M. Metapopulations. Accepted for publication in: P. Haccou and P. Jagers (eds.): Branching Processes in Biology, Cambridge University Press.
[6.26] Gyllenberg M., I. Hanksi and J. A. J. Metz: Spatial dimensions of population viability. Accepted for publication in: R. Ferrière, U. Dieckmann and D. Covet (eds.): Evolutionary Conservation Biology, Cambridge University Press.
[6.27] Gyllenberg M. and P. Jagers. Branching processes and structured population dynamics. Accepted for publication in: P. Haccou and P. Jagers (eds.): Branching Processes in Biology, Cambridge University Press.
[6.28] Parvinen, K., Dieckmann U., Metz J. A. J. and Ferrière R. Evolutionary suicide. Accepted for publication in U. Dieckmann and J. A. J. Metz (eds.): Elements of Adaptive Dynamics, Cambridge University Press.

Refereed conference papers

[1.4] Seitz S. and P. Orponen: An efficient local search method for random 3-satisfiability. Workshop on Typical Case Complexity and Phase Transitions, 18th Ann. IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science (Ottawa, Canada, June 2003).
[1.5]Síma J. and P. Orponen: Computing with continuous-time Liapunov systems. Proc. of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (Crete, July 2001), 722-731. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, 2001.
[1.6]Síma J. and P. Orponen. Exponential transients in continuous-time symmetric Hopfield nets. Proc. Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2001 (Vienna, August 2001), 806-813. Springer-Verlag, Berling Heidelberg 2001.
[1.7] Virtanen S.: Online methods for clustering the Web graph. WAW 2003: 2nd Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph, at the 12th International World Wide Web Conference (Budapest, May 2003).



Preprints, manuscripts, technical reports

[2.15] Ala-Nissila T., S. Majaniemi and K. Elder, Phase-field modeling of dynamical interface phenomena in fluids. To appear in Springer Series, 2004.
[3.17] Ovaskainen O. and I. Hanski The species-area relationship derived from species-specific incidence functions. In preparation.
[3.18] Ovaskainen O. and I. Hanski From individual behaviour to metapopulation dynamics: unifying the patchy population and classic metapopulation models. In preparation.
[4.1] Haavio M. and H. Kauppi. Housing Markets, Liquidity Constraints and Labor Mobility. Joint with Bank of Finland Discussion Paper 8/2000, June 2000.
[4.2] Haavio M. Transboundary Pollution and Household Mobility: Are They Equivalent? Department of Economics, University of Helsinki, Discussion Paper 500/2001.
[4.3] Haavio M. and H. Kauppi. Housing Markets and Labor Mobility - An Incomplete Markets Approach. Mimeo, 2002.
[4.4] Haavio M. Migration and the Environment: Instrument Choice Matters. Mimeo, 2002.
[4.5] Haavio M. Non-traded Amenities and Strategic Environmental Policy. Mimeo, 2003.
[6.29] Gyllenberg M., Parvinen K., Dieckmann U. Evolutionary Suicide and Evolution of Dispersal in Structured Metapopulations. IIASA Interim Report IR-00-056 2000.
[6.30] Kísdi É., Jacobs F. J. A., Geritz S. A. H.: Red Queen Evolution by Cycles of Evolutionary Branching and Extinction. IIASA Interim Report IR-00-030, 2000.
[6.31] Parvinen K., Dieckmann U., Gyllenberg M. and J. A. J. Metz. Evolution of Dispersal in Metapopulations with Local Density Dependence and Demographic Stochasticity. IIASA Interim Report IR-00-035, 2000.
[6.32] De Jong T.J. and S. A. H. Geritz. The Role of Geitonogamy in the Gradual Evolution To Dioecy in Cosexual Plants. TUCS Technical Report No. 434, 2001.
[6.33] Geritz S. A. H., M. Gyllenberg, F. J. A. Jacobs and K. Parvinen. Invasion Dynamics and Attractor Inheritance. TUCS Technical Report No. 433, 2001.
[6.34] Gyllenberg M. and K. Parvinen. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Evolutionary Suicide. TUCS Technical Report No. 399, 2001.
[6.35] Parvinen K. Evolutionary Branching of Dispersal Strategies in Structured Metapopulations. TUCS Technical Report No. 398, 2001.
[6.36] Gyllenberg, M. and Y. Wang. Dynamics of the Periodic Type-K Competitive Kolmogorov Systems. TUCS Technical Report No. 492, 2002.
[6.37] Parvinen K. and J. A. J. Metz. On diploid versus clonal ESS's in metapopulations. Interim report IR-02-044, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria, 2002.
[7.19] Chaves M., K. Gawedzki, P. Horvai, A. Kupiainen and M. Vergassola. Lagrangian dispersion in Gaussian self-similar ensembles., 2003.
[7.20] Korvola T., A. Kupiainen and J. Taskinen. Anomalous scaling for 3D Cahn-Hilliard Fronts. Manuscript, 2003.
[7.21] Bonetto F., J. L. Lebowitz and J. Lukkarinen. Fourier's law for a harmonic chain with self-consistent stochastic reservoirs. Preprint, 2003.
[7.22] Eloranta K. Bounded Triangular and Kagomé ice. Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Mathematics, Technical Report A 410, 2000. 14 pp.
[7.23] Eloranta, K. Equilibrium through dynamics: Statistical mechanics lattice models and their PCAs. Preprint, 2000.

Submitted manuscripts

[1.8] Virtanen S. Stochastic online clustering of massive graphs.
[6.38] Geritz S. A. H. and É. Kísdi. On the mechanistic underpinning of discrete-time population models with complex dynamics.
[6.39] Gyllenberg M. and G. Meszéna. On the impossibility of coexistence of infinitely many strategies.
[6.40] Gyllenberg, M. and Yi Wang. Dynamics of the periodic type-K competitive Kolmogorov systems.
[6.41] Gyllenberg, M. and Yi Wang. Periodic tridiagonal systems modeling competitive-cooperative ecological interactions.
[6.42] Kísdi É, Optimal body size, density-dependent selection gradients, and the evolution of phenotypic variance under asymmetric competition.
[6.43] Wang Y. and P. Yan. Limit cycles for the three dimensional type-K competitive Lotka-Volterra systems.
[7.24] Lefevere R. and A. Schenkel. Perturbative analysis of anharmonic chains of oscillators out of equilibrium. Submitted to J. Stat. Phys., 2003.
[7.25] Tanskanen A. J. and J. Lukkarinen. Fair valuation of path-dependent participating life insurance contracts. Submitted to Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2002. 35 pp.
[7.26] Aurell E. and P. Muratore-Ginanneschi. Growth-optimal strategies with quadratic friction over finite-time investment horizons. Submitted to IJTAF cond-mat/0211044, 2002.
[7.27] Eloranta K. Archimedean ice. Submitted, 2003.

Doctoral, Licentiate and Master theses

[1.9] Satu Virtanen. Properties of Nonuniform Random Graph Models. Licentiate thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 2003.
[2.16] Emma Terämä. Dynamics and Growth of Grains in Two-Dimensional Systems. Master thesis, University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, 2001.
[2.17] Antti-Pekka Hynninen. Path Integral Calculations of Jump Rates and Surface Diffusion Coefficients. Master Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Physics, 2001.
[2.18] Joonas Asikainen, Statistical Properties of Random Fractals: Geometry, Growth, and Interface Dynamics. Ph. D. dissertation, Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Physics, 2002.
[6.44] Kalle Parvinen. Adaptive Metapopulation Dynamics. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Turku, Dept. of Mathematics, 2001.
[6.45] Sami Julin. Matemaattista mallintamista mykorritsan optimaalisen määrän vaikutuksesta kasvin kasvamiseen, Master thesis, University of Turku, Dept. of Mathematics, 2001.
[6.46] Tuomas Nurmi. Ikästrukturoiduista metapopulaatiomalleista. Master thesis, University of Turku, Dept. of Mathematics, 2001.
[6.47] Ilana Saarikko. Ikästrukturoitu adaptiivinen dynamiikka. Master thesis, University of Turku, Dept. of Mathematics, 2001.
[6.48] Janne Savolainen. Lotkan ja McKendrickin populaatiomallin analysoiminen uusiutumisyhtälön kautta. Master thesis, University of Turku, Dept. of Mathematics, 2001.
[6.49] Minna Nygren. Epidemian puhkeamisesta metapopulaatiossa. Master thesis, University of Turku, Dept. of Mathematics, 2000.
[7.28] Jani Lukkarinen. Statistical Analysis of Finite Equilibrium Quantum Systems. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Helsinki, Dept. of Physics, 2001.
[7.29] Villle Hakulinen. Passive Advection and Degenerate Elliptic Operators. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Helsinki, Dept. of Mathematics, 2002.
[7.30] Timo Korvola. Anomalous Scaling in the Cahn-Hilliard Fronts. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Helsinki, Dept. of Mathematics, 2003.

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Last update July 11th, 2003.