MathSAT: Tight Integration of SAT and Mathematical Decision Procedures


Marco Bozzano, Roberto Bruttomesso, Alessandro Cimatti, Tommi Junttila, Peter van Rossum, Stephan Schulz, and Roberto Sebastiani. MathSAT: Tight integration of SAT and mathematical decision procedures. In Enrico Giunchiglia and Toby Walsh, editors, SAT 2005; Satisfiability Research in the Year 2005, pages 265–293. Springer, 2005. Reprint of the same article in the number 1-3 of volume 25 of the Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2005.

Suggested BibTeX entry:

    author = {Marco Bozzano and Roberto Bruttomesso and Alessandro Cimatti and Tommi Junttila and Peter van Rossum and Stephan Schulz and Roberto Sebastiani},
    booktitle = {{SAT} 2005; Satisfiability Research in the Year 2005},
    editor = {Giunchiglia, Enrico and Walsh, Toby},
    note = {Reprint of the same article in the number 1-3 of volume 25 of the Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2005},
    pages = {265--293},
    publisher = {Springer},
    title = {{MathSAT}: Tight Integration of {SAT} and Mathematical Decision Procedures},
    year = {2005},

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