Simulating Parity Reasoning (2013)
Laitinen Tero , Junttila Tommi , Niemelä Ilkka
Advanced Research in Computing and Software Science, LNCS ARCoSS
@inproceedings{ LaitinenJunttilaNiemela:LPAR2013_ini, author = {Laitinen, Tero and Junttila, Tommi and Niemel{\"a}, Ilkka}, publisher = "Springer", isbn = "", language = "eng", title = "Simulating Parity Reasoning", series = "Advanced Research in Computing and Software Science, LNCS ARCoSS", booktitle = "Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning, 19th International Conference, LPAR 2013, Stellenbosch, South Africa, December 15-19, 2013, Proceedings", year = "2013", volume = "", responsibleauthor = "Junttila, Tommi and Niemelä, Ilkka", flags = "copy LOGIC COIN HIIT", il = "no", eventdetails = "19th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, LPAR-19, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 15-19th December 2013", country = "South Africa", unitcode = "T306-99, T312-1", kay = "NA", impactfactor = "A4", juforank = "1" }