Toward computational cumulative biology by combining models of biological datasets


Ali Faisal, Jaakko Peltonen, Elisabeth Georgii, Johan Rung, and Samuel Kaski. Toward computational cumulative biology by combining models of biological datasets. PLOS ONE, accepted for publication. (Earlier version available as arXiv:1404.0329, 2014 pdf).

Source code: (Matlab implementation, version 1.0)

Interactive visualization of the relevance network

Loading network ...
Search Dataset (e.g. GSE974 or E-MEXP-83)

Navigation tips
  • To view all links for a dataset, enter the dataset accession number in the upper right Search Dataset box.
  • To reload the entire network, click the refresh button in the upper right. Reloading the network may take up to 10 seconds.
  • To view a dataset's details double click the dataset node which will open a new window with the dataset record stored at the public repository (either NCBI or EBI).
  • To adjust the node positions click and drag them to the desired location.
  • To navigate through the network, use the zoom and pan buttons located in the lower right box.