I. Schießl 1 ,H. Sch˜oner 1 , M. Stetter 1 , A. Dima 1 and K. Obermayer 1
D10587 Berlin, Germany; email:
The task of separating signals from experimentally mea
sured linear mixtures is often complicated by the presence
of noise sensor noise and statistical dependencies between
the original sources, which often makes standard indepen
dent component analysis (ICA) algorithms fail [1, 2]. One
way to overcome these problems is to introduce additional
knowledge we have about the mixing process and the sig
nals themselves.
Here we suggest to add a regularization term to the cost
function of multishift extended spatial decorrelation (multi
shift ESD, [2]) which contains prior information about the
timecourse of one or more original sources. Using an arti
ficial toy dataset and a dataset that contains prototype sig
nals obtained from optical recording of brain activity we
show that the regularization term improves the separation
results at different noise levels.