This distribution contains these files: affect_raw.dat affect.dat affectCurve_raw.dat affectCurve_segments.dat features.dat affect_raw.dat contains the raw collected human ratings for the affective, stylistic and aesthetic attributes. affect.dat is a cleaned form, where, for each (movie, participant) pair, all assessments with missing values have been excluded. affectCurve_raw.dat contains the raw affect curve data for each assessor and movie clip. affectCurve_segments.dat contains the affect curve segment means for each assessor and movie clip. features.dat contains the low-level features of the movie clips. Each file contains a more detailed description of their format at the beginning of the file. The movies are numbered as follows (note the zero-padding): 01: 500 Days of Summer 02: Amelie 03: Army of Shadows 04: Before Sunrise 05: Blue Velvet 06: Children of Men 07: Days of Heaven 08: E.T. 09: Punch-Drunk Love 10: Raiders of the Lost Ark 11: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 12: The Night of the Hunter 13: The Shining 14: Vertigo